Domino’s Falling Down

For some time I’ve held Domino’s in high regard for the ease of their online pizza ordering. Fun and functional, I thought. Today I experienced an acute counter example from my attempt to order a pizza on the way home from work.

Step 1 – Start the iPhone app – denied!


Step 2 – Upgrade the app – denied!


Step 3 – Realise they’ve created a new app rather than updating the previous one


Step 4 – Download the new app – denied!


Step 5 – Give up on app and decide to use web browser, only to be told…


Aaaaargh! I persevered and ordered successfully eventually. Would have been far quicker to place my order by phone – but smartphones aren’t really for phoning, are they?! In the end the pizza was ok, but the ordering process for once left a bitter taste in my mouth!

Oops – I deleted all of Google’s data!

Dear Google,

Sorry if you lost all your data recently, it was my fault.  The Google app on my iPhone had stopped working, so I deleted it in order to reinstall.  Here’s what my iPhone asked me…


I pressed “Delete” and in a flash it was gone, with all your data too presumably.  I must say, you seemed to restore all your data with lightning speed  – because my next Google search worked fine.  Keep up the good work.

Yours sincerely
